Home Security
1. LOCK YOUR DOORS. Double check front and back. A high percentage of burglaries occur through open doors and windows. Install deadbolts on all exterior doors.
2. SECURE SHED. An exterior shed is a prime target. Keep it locked and secured and refrain from keeping valuables in it.
3. MOTION LIGHTS. Both front and rear motion lights help deter burglars. Remember most homes are broken into from the back.
4. ALARM SYSTEM. From low cost to very sophisticated systems. A monitored alarm system costs about $30/mo & can provide peace of mind.
5. A HIDDEN SAFE. A fireproof safe is an excellent place for your personal papers as well as expensive jewelry and can be placed anywhere, but remember the master bedroom is the first place criminals look.
6. SAFE DEPOSIT BOX. If you feel more comfortable with your valuables in a safe deposit box, check with your local bank.
7. WINDOW LOCKS. An inexpensive way to to make sure your windows are secured. These clamp on locks are excellent for daily use and when leaving for the season.
8. INTERIOR SECURITY BARS. To secure your sliding glass door while you're away. This costs about $20 at Home Depot or Lowes. Broom handles work great too.
9. HOME INVENTORY. Using a camcorder or camera, inventory your home and all your valuables. Keep a copy off-site if possible. At minimum keep a hand written inventory and save your receipts.
10. SECURE A CARETAKER. This can be a neighbor or a professional service. This can help prevent thefts and help mitigate summer claims.